Tri-Gear Conversion
After being blown off the runway on takeoff and into a ground loop at 40 kts, it has been decided to convert the aircraft from Monowheel to Tri-gear. This album documents this conversion and repair work. The album is not comprehensive as I often was up to my elbows in epoxy, fiberglas, Araldite and other nasty things when I would have wanted a picture or two. Still, you should be able to get an idea of what was involved. Work has almost been completed. The aircraft is flying again. Remaining work is to make interference fairings for the landing gear leg fairings to the wheel pants and body. I'll put the wheel pants on tomorrow and see how it goes. Without any go-fast fairings it does 110 KTS at 5000 RPM, 28 in MP & 3.6 gph.
Date: 10/02/2010
Owner: rlborger
Size: 345 items